New and Revolutionary Kid's Flossing Toothbrushes in Six Beautiful Colors Automatically And Effectively FLOSS Between Teeth And Under The gum Line While Your Children BRUSH Their Teeth!

The Flossing Toothbrush was created to provide you with the most effective and safest brushing and flossing experience possible. Its patented double - tiered, dual-action bristles is the heart and soul of this amazing oral hygiene breakthrough.

Ideal for Dental Braces!

Although the OraSweet Flossing Toothbrush does not replace flossing, it greatly enhances your normal daily flossing effort. It is a known fact that many people do not floss and so the increase in periodontal disease is observed. Flossing removes not only food particles but also plaque under the gums, which is the invisible film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth. You must get under the gum line to loosen the debris, plaque, and bacteria. This area is called the sulcus. This is where the Flossing Toothbrush will help.

Not too many people stay in this sulcus area long enough to remove all debris, plaque, and bacteria. Too many people floss simply to remove food particles and other debris that cause discomfort and don't care about the invisible film of bacteria on teeth. This is where the AcuFlosBrush plays a vital role in removing, without too much effort, the invisible film of oral bacteria while you brush your teeth.

Shorter and Thicker Bristles perform regular brushing of the surface of your teeth. They are gentle on gums and teeth. Polished bristle ends prevent injury to gums and the skin lining your teeth.

Longer, Thinner, End-rounded and Polished Bristles easily penetrate deeper, flossing between teeth effectively removing bacteria and plaque below the gum line, not just along the gum line.

U.S. Dental Research Indicates That You Have A 75% Chance Of Suffering From Gum Disease!

Kid's Flossing Toothbrush that FLOSS and BRUSH at the same time,  is a new and revolutionary toothbrush that effectively  removes plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that not only attacks your Kid's gums and teeth but also causes bad breath and dental decay.

Dual Action Double Tiered Soft Bristles Utilizes the most innovative and advanced technology to ensure the Optimum Dental Health of your children.

The Flossing Toothbrush was created to Brush and Floss At Once!

An Ergonomically Designed Rubber Handle: Fits comfortably in your hand. A truly innovative design that ensures superior performance.

Everybody knows that brushing is important for healthy teeth and gums, and almost everybody agrees that flossing and regular visits to the dentist are equally important.

Unfortunately, most Americans and consumers worldwide don't identify gum disease as a serious health risk, or recognize dental plaque (a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth and relentlessly attacks your gums) as the cause of the problem.

A Rubber Sure-Grip: Features front and back thumb stops for a secure, comfortable, firm grip and extra control.



  Should my child(ren) use soft or medium textured toothbrushes?
Most dentists highly recommend soft bristled brushes because they are obviously gentler on the gums and less abrasive on the gum line and tooth enamel.

Are hard textured bristles available?
Dentists recommend soft bristles only because they are obviously gentler on the gums and less abrasive on the tooth enamel, so we don't offer it.

How long will my OraSweet Flossing Toothbrush last before I need to replace it?
OraSweet Flossing Toothbrush usually last 3-4 months, but dentists recommend a new toothbrush every 3 months or less for sanitary reasons.

What colors are available?
Blue, Purple, Red, Green, Pink, and Orange

Kid's Flossing Toothbrush!
Healthy Gums For Life!
Plaque is your mouth's worst enemy! As it builds up between your teeth and gum line, it can lead to the build up of tartar and dental calculus. It can cause bad breath and colored teeth, and it is the primary cause of gum disease. Gum diseases not treated in time can lead to painful, bleeding gums, oral infections, and eventually tooth loss.
Removing oral bacteria breaks the cycle that can lead to serious gum disease. So your gums stay pink, firm, fresh and healthy. And your teeth stay where they belong - in your healthy mouth! Effectively eliminating the germs in your mouth by using the Flossing Toothbrush and OraSweet Tongue Scraper will lower the level of toxins. And After brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue morning and night and after meals, whenever possible, you'll see your gums returning to a pinker, healthier state and experience the fresh breath that lasts.
The Softer, Longer and Thinner Bristles of the OraSweet Flossing Toothbrush effectively remove invisible bacteria and plaque between teeth and below the gum line ensuring not only healthy gums and teeth but also fresh breath and overall oral hygiene.
2001-2008 OraMedix, Inc.  
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